1 October 2010

Med Men

The scene, the AMC offices, 2006. Producer Matthew Weiner is attempting to sell his idea for a new series to a TV executive. Set in the 1960s the show will center around the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency on Madison Avenue, New York City. The lead character will be a creative director at the firm, Don Draper.

The TV Exec shrugs. “Well Matt, we love your idea, but we would like to see a few changes before we give your project the green light. First, we like the idea of an advertising agency but feel that the audience will be more receptive to the show being set in a hospital – St Cooper’s perhaps. We love the Don Draper character but feel that Dr Don would be a much better fit in our vision."

On the whim of a TV Exec, out goes Sterling Cooper and in comes St Cooper’s with Doctor Don Draper at the helm.

And so Med Men was born. After all, it only takes a syllable.  Cue new opening titles.

If you want to do a frame by frame comparison - the original is below...