6 November 2010

Chevron and Gollum - We Agree

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Have you seen the We Agree Chevron adverts? They thought they had a rather cunning plan - a campaign which would stress their green credentials to the world and so detract attention from their somewhat less than enrironmentally friendly side. They are an energy company, after all.

This is by no means a new tactic - it even has a name. Greenwashing is the term that desrcibes the deceptive use of green PR or green marketing in order to promote a misleading perception that a company's policies or products (such as goods or services) are environmentally friendly.

Almost as soon as the ads hit the streets the backlash began and who are we not to join in. Our own contribution is this marvellous skit of the ad by Jonathan McIntosh. Excellent work, Jonathan - Chevron well and truly punk'd!

Wait - there's more!

Visit his cool Flickr stream for the rest!