25 April 2011

Doctor Who - A Visual History - 1963 - 2010

By now you are probably enjoying the latest adventures of Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith, which started last Saturday on BBC1 in the UK and BBC America. There has recently been an internet hit, Doctor Who in five minutes (or something like that!), with two American fans talking their way through the new series.

That’s all well and good – but how about the whole show, the entire series?  That’s more of a challenge. As a fan you may know a lot about the show, but you may have those with little legs scurrying about (i.e. children) who keep bugging you about the history of the show.  Considering it started in 1963 that is some ask from the little blighters!

Well, why not plonk them down in front of this, instead?  This remarkable fan made film has a clip from every single story aired since 1963 (except the first episode of the new series, which is fair enough, it only aired a day or so ago).

OK, it is over half an hour long but it really does give an extremely good impression of the show’s history – and it includes each and every one of the Doctor’s regenerations too. It is well put together but don't expect it to be seamless - it is fan-made after all!

Not only that there is a look at the various spin-offs from the main TV series and it is all done with great affection.  If you like your history visual then this labor of love is for you.  Just a word of warning, however.  Make yourself a cup of coffee first!