18 September 2012

Jelly Jeff

Every now and again an animated character comes along that immediately imprints upon the unsuspecting public – and I think that may be the case with Jelly Jeff. He’s cute, he’s orange and he’s a jellyfish. He is also, poor fellow, completely hapless and is consistently overcome by a series of events most of which have been caused directly or indirectly by us. As such we not only get a chuckle but some important environmental messages too.

This series of vignettes featuring Jelly Jeff were created by Jacob Frey who created them for the International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart as part of his degree work at Filmakademie in the same city, one of the most prestigious schools of film and media in Germany which also enjoys an excellent reputation internationally. Instead of doing a single sixty second trailer he opted to do a number of short twenty second slots. So sit back and enjoy the adventures of Jelly Jeff. This should really be made in to a TV show...!