11 April 2021

Quiz: Can You Name All Ten of these Common British Birds?


These British birds are everywhere – in fact, they are way more common than you might think!

However, how many of them do you know by name? 

Take the quiz below to find out..! 

This quiz will not ask for or “harvest” any of your own personal data – so it is entirely risk free. The only “data” that is logged is how many people have done the quiz and how many answers they got right. It was created using Google Forms so when you finish answering, you will need to click “Submit” to see how many you got right. 

Well, we did tell you they were common!

After you press submit, you may have to scroll back up a little! 

Image Credits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Title