3 August 2016


Two old friends meet up but it isn’t long before they are running away from a terror which has struck the quiet neighbourhood of Lawrenceville.  There are mombies everywhere and in order to escape the zombie-like terrors of motherhood the women must run.. and run and do a bit more running.  Oh and scream.  A lot.

Mombies is a loving comic homage to George A. Romero's classic Night of the Living Dead.  Mind, you don’t have to look too closely at Mombies to see more than a few cheeky references to the Stepford Wives and, in particular, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  It was written, produced and directed by Gab Cody and Sam Turich.

This short movie quite tickled me, and everyone looks as if they are having great fun (some of the mombies almost ‘corpse’ a number of times) but then again, I am a man.  I think I will have to disseminate this around my female friends – those who have had children have certainly described themselves as zombies more than once.  After just that little too much child rearing, especially in the area of nappies, the cleaning and ironing of clothes in general, the clearing up of countless fluids, both of the body and otherwise I never really blamed them. However, it will be interesting to see what they think of this where the metaphor becomes real!