29 July 2016
Doctor Who Filming in Valencia in Pictures

Here are a few photos taken by photographer Sergi Albir in Valencia. The Doctor Who crew arrived in Spain’s third largest city on 26th July to film scenes of the second episode of the forthcoming Series 10.

These behind the scene shots show Peter Capaldi and new co-star Pearl Mackie (who plays Bill) at Valencia’s beautiful City of Arts and Sciences (you can see more here) which is a perfect place to shoot scenes for a science fiction show. It also shows guest star Deep Roy who is playing an android in the episode. Unfortunately, you can't see much of the city here but you can get much more of an idea about Maclie's costume - and the design of the robot looks excellent.

It looks as if Roy’s costume is not designed for comfort. At least Pearl Mackie gets to sit down by the pool in their break! The episode will be aired in Spring 2017.