20 February 2022

Flags of the World Quiz

Are you an expert at matching the country with the flag? Then why not try this quiz to test your knowledge of twenty diverse flags of the world?  Pictured below is a screenshot of the first question to give you an idea of what the quiz looks like and the level of difficulty.  The "20" in the purple circle on the left shows how many seconds you have to answer the question!

We’ve created this in Kahoot – one of the leading quiz platforms in the world.  All you need to do is click this link to go to it.  Before you start the quiz, you will be asked to type in a “nickname” – the name with which you will do the quiz.  You will then be taken to your twenty questions.  Each flag has four different choices – and you have to guess which is the right one.  Of course, you might not have to guess if you are a flag expert!  However, you will only get 20 seconds to answer each question.

Your points will be added up according to how many you get right – plus the time in which you answered the question, so it’s a good idea to answer them as quickly as you can so you can beat off the competition!

As you go along you will see how you are doing compared to other people.  Don’t worry if someone is beating you – it’s just for fun (plus you can have another go if you want).

We have tried to include some of the more unusual flags of the world for this quiz.

If you are used to Kahoot and want to use a pin instead, then go to kahoot.it and use 02635257.

So, how many can you get correct? Good luck!

PS This quiz is open till 12PM on March 19, 2022. If you come across this and want to play it, drop us a line in the comments section below.